Keeping baby warm and comfortable is always important. Ensuring safety while wrapped in blankets deserves review since blankets can cause suffocation. Tiny babies have such small noses and mouths, the slightest cover of their face reduces the intake of oxygen.Loose blankets, and cribs with too many items, can put a child at risk.

Child Proof Advice encourages the use of Halo Sleep Sacks.  Read more here to understand the importance of learning how to swaddle correctly.
Swaddling Tips

While in the womb, baby is tightly cuddled inside mom for nine months, so it’s natural that they would find comfort from swaddling after birth. Swaddling is a technique that can help calm fussy or crying babies and even help them sleep longer during their first few months of life, which is something all moms and dads need.
There are a couple of important things to remember in order to swaddle your baby safely. Follow these important swaddling safety tips.

Always place your baby to sleep on their back.

A baby should never be placed on their stomach for sleeping, but especially not while swaddled.

Baby’s crib should be bare.

Do not put any loose blankets, pillows, bumpers or stuffed animals in the bed with your baby as they can be a suffocation hazard. Baby’s crib should be bare, with just a tight-fitting sheet.

Avoid swaddling with a traditional blanket.

Avoid using a traditional blanket for swaddling. A traditional blanket can more easily become loose or undone when used for swaddling than a wearable blanket swaddle. Loose blankets should be avoided as they can become a suffocation hazard.

Make sure the swaddle is securely wrapped.

To reduce the risk of the fabric accidentally covering baby’s mouth or nose, the swaddle wrap must be snug, appropriately sized, positioned around baby’s torso and securely fastened. Some infants want to self-soothe by sucking on their fingers or touching their face. Positioning your baby’s arms across his chest or elbows bent with hands towards his face is helpful for allowing movement, if your baby is unsettled with the confinement of swaddling. If your baby is fighting to be free of the swaddle wrap we suggest transitioning to swaddling with arms out or switching to a SleepSack wearable blanket.

Learn more here and place an order for a Halo Sleep Sack today!

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